pamela的表演可以说毫不含蓄 甚至有点不那么细腻 整部剧的情感表达也是异常丰富 这导致我看的时候时常要哭 特别是最后一集 pamela每一个表情 都那么relatable 我甚至都要念出她的内心戏了 啊 应了之前貌似是第二季的片尾 only women bleed~~
Every 6 seconds, a marriage would end in divorce. A married person typically spends about two years before going ahead with it, and will usually wait about three years to remarry, if the do so at all. In spite of these bleak statistics, the overwhelming majority of couples continue on,taking hopeful steps down the aisle, willing to gamble for love.